Friday, September 16, 2011

The Beginning of A New End

Existence is a series of footnotes to a vast, obscure, unfinished masterpiece.
 Vladmir Nabokov

I'm one of those people that usually don't finish things that I start. I can walk miles then realize I don't want to go there anymore and have to walk all the way back home. That  quote is exactly how I live and am. I paint,draw,photograph and leave it unfinished. I want to change  that but I think it lets you know that I'm the one who did that. I don't have enough guts to say this stuff to people so I might as well as start with random strangers. First; I AM NOT NORMAL!!!! Do not expect anything thing on this to be normal(what a horrendous word ugh).This blog  may be totally random or something serious. This is a way for me to keep all my pent up feelings to be out in the open.

I can already feel the weight lifted of me. Wait let me take a very quick breather, yep I got all that beautiful air in. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I feel relaxed. I will start to post almost everyday and I hope people found out about this blog. Until then  this will be a very public journal.